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Available events and required parameters

Event code template

  wph('track', 'event_name', { 
    content_name: 'content_name', other_parameters });

Values of event_name, content_name, and other_parameters are detailed in the tables below.

Online shop

event_name     content_name      other_parameters Location/rule  
ViewContent View None All pages
ViewContent ProductList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency},...,{id, name, category, price, currency}] Product listing page
ViewContent ViewProduct contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Product page
AddToCart None contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency, quantity}] Adding a product to the cart
Purchase None transaction_id, value, value_gross, shipping_cost, contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency, quantity, weight},...,{id, name, category, price, currency, quantity, weight}] Order confirmation page (post-transaction)
ViewContent AddToWishList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Adding a product to the wishlist
ViewContent RemoveFromWishList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Removing a product from the wishlist
Conversion WishList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Adding the wishlisted product to the cart

Other events

Helper events - ViewContent

The purpose of helper events is to gather statistics at the initial stage of the conversion path. It is recommended that the script be executed at the first step of the given path.
ViewContent is the event_name.
Each helper event is mapped to a corresponding conversion event that should be triggered upon completing the path.

Code/industry content_name               other_parameters Location/rule Corresponding conversion                         
general View None All pages None
general InputForm None Interaction with a form Lead
general Newsletter None Interaction with a newsletter NewsletterTYP
general Login None User login form page LoginEnd
general Register None User registration form page RegisterEnd
general LandingPage None Landing page for a user acquired through advertising campaign None
general Game None Game page None
automotive TestDrive contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Page with a test drive booking form TestDriveEnd
automotive Configurator contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Page with a vehicle configurator ConfiguratorTYP
automotive PriceList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Page with a downloadable price list PriceListEnd
financial Verification contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Start of a form PositiveVerification or NegativeVerification
financial InsuranceQuote contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Start of an insurance form InsuranceQuoteTYP

Conversion events ‑ Conversion

The purpose of conversion events is to collect statistics for completed conversion paths. The script should be executed on a confirmation/thank-you page for the given action.
Conversion is the event_name.
A conversion event should be preceded by a helper event that triggers at the first stage of the path.

Code/industry content_name                   other_parameters Location/rule
general Lead None Form submission confirmation page
general NewsletterTYP None Newsletter subscription confirmation page
general LoginEnd None Page after user logs in
general RegisterEnd None Page after user registers
general Download None Downloading an attachment from the page
general AppDownload None Mobile app download
automotive TestDriveEnd contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Test drive booking confirmation page
automotive ConfiguratorTYP contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Vehicle configurator completion summary page
automotive PriceListEnd contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Downloading the price list
financial PositiveVerification contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Positive verification summary page
financial NegativeVerification contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Negative verification summary page
financial InsuranceQuoteTYP contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Insurance quote summary page

Parameters list

The parameters provide additional information about a user's activity on the website.
The table includes all currently processed parameters.

Parameter name Data type Description
content_name string Page name, e.g. 'ProductList'
contents object[] Array of objects with parameters (List of available contents parameters)
transaction_id string Unique transaction identifier, e.g. 'AB-1234'
value_gross number Order value (gross amount, excluding shipping costs), e.g. 123.00
value number Order value (net amount, excluding tax and shipping costs), e.g. 100.00
shipping_cost number Shipping cost, e.g. 12.50
search_string string Search query, e.g. 'Men's shoes 42'
content_type string Page type, e.g. 'Site'
mvalue number Margin for a given click (net amount), e.g. 0.55
category string Category name, e.g.'Women's shoes'
discount_code string Discount code, e.g. 'DIS-123'
name string Additional page name or variant
product_type string Product/offer variant
src string Traffic source 'WP'

List of available contents parameters

contents is an array of objects that contain the selected parameters from the table below:

Parameter name Data type Description
id string Product identifier, e.g. 'AB-123'
price number Product price, e.g. 99.99
name string Product name, e.g. 'Men's Sandals ABC'
category string Product category, e.g. 'Sandals'
quantity number Product quantity, e.g. 5
currency string Currency, e.g. 'PLN'
weight number Product weight for items sold by weight (in kilograms), e.g. 0.60
colours string[] Array of product colors, e.g.['niebieski', 'zielony']. Used for clothing items. If there is no color information, the parameter can be removed or set to ['onecolour'].
sizes string[] Array of product sizes, e.g. ['L', 'XL']. Used for clothing items. If there is no size information, the parameter can be removed or set to ['onesize'].
brand string Product brand, e.g. 'BMW'
loan_period number Loan period in months, e.g. 24
loan_installment number Loan installment amount
rrso number Annual Percentage Rate (APR) in percentage, e.g. 7.44
category_id string Unique category identifier
condition string Car condition, e.g. 'New', 'Demo', 'Used'
fuel_type string Fuel type, e.g. 'Diesel', 'Gasoline + Gas', 'Hybrid', 'Electric'
gearbox string Gearbox type, e.g. 'Automatic', 'Manual', 'Semi-Automatic'
horsepower number Engine power in horsepower
mileage number Car mileage
model string Car model, e.g. 'Z4'
trunk_capacity number Trunk capacity in liters, e.g. 550
type string Car type, e.g. 'Convertible'
year_of_manufacture string Year of manufacture, e.g. 2020
destination_country string Destination: country, e.g. Turkey
destination_region string Destination: region, e.g. Turkish Riviera
destination_city string Destination: city, e.g. Antalya
adult number Number of adults in the reservation, e.g. 2
child number Number of children in the reservation, e.g. 1
departure_city string Departure city, e.g. Wrocław
arrival_city string Arrival city e.g. Wrocław
offer_rating number Offer rating, e.g. 8.6
tour_operator string Tour operator, e.g. Itaka
standard_meals string Meal plan, e.g. All Inclusive
room_price number Room price, e.g. 3889.00
departure_date string Departure date, e.g. 2025-10-17
arrival_date string Arrival date, e.g. 2025-10-24
trip_duration number Trip duration in days, e.g. 7
hotel_star number Hotel star rating, e.g. 3

Telecommunications industry

event_name     content_name      other_parameters Location/rule
ViewContent View None All pages
ViewContent ProductList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency},...,{id, name, category, price}] Product and offer listings
ViewContent ViewProduct contents: [{id, name, category, price}] Product and offer pages
AddToCart None contents: [{id, name, category, price, quantity}] Adding a product or offer to the cart
Purchase None transaction_id, value, value_gross, shipping_cost, contents: [{id, name, category, price, quantity},...,{id, name, category, price, quantity}] Order confirmation page (post-transaction)

Additionally, it is recommended to implement selected other events that are marked as general.

Automotive industry

event_name     content_name         other_parameters Location/rule
ViewContent View None All pages
ViewContent ProductList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency},...,{id, name, category, price}] Product and offer listings
ViewContent ViewProduct contents: [{id, name, category, price}] Product and offer pages
ViewContent InputForm None Interaction with a form
Conversion Lead None Form submission confirmation page
ViewContent TestDrive contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Page with a test drive booking form
Conversion TestDriveEnd contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Test drive booking confirmation page
ViewContent Configurator contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Page with a vehicle configurator
Conversion ConfiguratorTYP contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Vehicle configurator completion summary page
ViewContent PriceList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Page with a downloadable price list
Conversion PriceListEnd contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Downloading the price list

Additionally, it is recommended to implement selected other events that are marked as general.

Financial industry

event_name     content_name                   other_parameters Location/rule
ViewContent View None All pages
ViewContent ProductList contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency},...,{id, name, category, price}] Product and offer listings
ViewContent ViewProduct contents: [{id, name, category, price}] Product and offer pages
AddToCart None contents: [{id, name, category, price, quantity}] Adding a product or offer to the cart
Purchase None transaction_id, value, value_gross, shipping_cost, contents: [{id, name, category, price, quantity},...,{id, name, category, price, quantity}] Order confirmation page (post-transaction)
ViewContent InputForm None Interaction with a form
Conversion Lead None Form submission confirmation page
Conversion PositiveVerification contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Positive verification summary page
Conversion InsuranceQuoteTYP contents: [{id, name, category, price, currency}] Insurance quote summary page

Additionally, it is recommended to implement selected other events that are marked as general.

Tourism industry

event_name     content_name      other_parameters Location/rule
ViewContent View None All pages
ViewContent ProductList contents: [{name, id, category, price, destination_country, destination_region, destination_city, adult, child, departure_city, arrival_city, offer_rating, tour_operator, standard_meals, room_price, departure_date, arrival_date, trip_duration, hotel_star}] Product and offer listings
ViewContent ViewProduct contents: [{name, id, category, price, destination_country, destination_region, destination_city, adult, child, departure_city, arrival_city, offer_rating, tour_operator, standard_meals, room_price, departure_date, arrival_date, trip_duration, hotel_star}] Product and offer pages
AddToCart None contents: [{name, id, category, price, destination_country, destination_region, destination_city, adult, child, departure_city, arrival_city, offer_rating, tour_operator, standard_meals, room_price, departure_date, arrival_date, trip_duration, hotel_star}] Adding a product or offer to the cart
Purchase None transaction_id, value, value_gross, shipping_cost, mvalue, contents: [{name, product_id, category, price, destination_country, destination_region, destination_city, adult, child, departure_city, arrival_city, offer_rating, tour_operator, standard_meals, room_price, departure_date, arrival_date, trip_duration, hotel_star}] Order confirmation page (post‑transaction)

Additionally, it is recommended to implement selected other events that are marked as general.