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WP Pixel

Basic information

WP Pixel is used to track the activity of visitors to the website. Collected data can be used to analyze the effectiveness of the conversion path and the construction of the sales funnel. The collected data is available in the WPH analytical tools.

Data from WP codes are used for:

  • Increasing the number of conversions using the information obtained from the code. WP has the ability to optimize the displayed products so that the Partner can get as many conversions and sales as possible.
  • Determination of user involvement in the content on the client’s website.. We segment users into groups, among others “abandoned baskets”, “abandoned products”.
  • Personalization of product offers for users. The tools created by WP match the display of products to the right users who visited the partner’s website or took the expected action on the website. As a result, the Partner’s products can effectively compete with other stores as part of the personalization mechanisms.

GDPR infographic

If on your pages you present a board that allows the user to give consent or refusal to use technologies such as cookies and the processing of personal data collected on the Internet, such as IP addresses and cookie IDs, for marketing and other purposes, please implement the following function in the code by which the data will be properly marked and respected in terms of purpose.

The function is called once after the user has given or refused consent. The state will be stored in the WPcpx cookie and the information will be added to each event sent.

Grant consent:

wph('consent', 'grant')


wph('consent', 'revoke')

Privacy policy English

WP Pixel uses cookies from users’ browsers (Please enter the following information into your privacy policy)

We want to ensure that our cooperation model, which includes operations on users personal data is transparent and user-friendly. According to the rules of applying Pixel technology and the principles of the GDPR, it is extremely important to provide clear information to users, that all entities of the Wirtualna Polska capital group operate in the environment of your services and participate in the processing of user data. By implementing WP Pixel, we ask you to fulfill this obligation by adding the appropriate information in your privacy policy, e.g. using the following text:

On our websites, third parties place information in the form of cookie files (so-called cookies) and other similar technologies on your end device (e.g., a computer or a smartphone) and can access this information. These are our trusted partners with whom we work regularly to customize the adverts on our websites and their websites as well as our services and services provided by our trusted partners. Such trusted partners are the entities from Wirtualna Polska capital group. For details on how your data is processed by Wirtualna Polska, please refer to Wirtualna Polska’s privacy policy.

Politica de confidențialitate Romanian

Dorim să ne asigurăm că modelul nostru de cooperare, inclusiv operațiunile privind datele cu caracter personal ale utilizatorilor, este transparent și prietenos. În conformitate cu regulile de utilizare a tehnologiei Pixel, precum și cu regulile care decurg din GDPR, este extrem de important să oferiți utilizatorilor informații clare referitoare la faptul că toate entitățile grupului de capital Wirtualna Polska operează în mediul serviciilor dumneavoastră și participă la prelucrarea datelor utilizatorului. Vă rugăm ca atunci când implementați WP Pixel, să îndepliniți această obligație adăugând informații adecvate în politica dvs. de confidențialitate, de exemplu, folosind textul de mai jos:

Pe site-urile noastre web, există părți terțe care plasează informații sub formă de cookie-uri și alte tehnologii similare pe dispozitivul dumneavoastră final (de exemplu, computer, smartphone) și obțin acces la acestea. Aceștia sunt Partenerii noștri de Încredere cu care cooperăm continuu pentru a adapta la nevoile și interesele dvs. publicitatea de pe site-urile noastre și ale acestora, precum și serviciile pe care noi și Partenerii noștri de Încredere le oferim. Un astfel de Partener de Încredere sunt entitățile din grupul de capital Wirtualna Polska. Informații detaliate despre prelucrarea datelor dumneavoastră de către Wirtualna Polska pot fi găsite în politica de confidențialitate a portalului Wirtualna Polska.

Zásady ochrany osobních údajů Czech

Chceme zajistit, aby náš model spolupráce, který zahrnuje operace s osobními údaji uživatelů, byl transparentní a uživatelsky přívětivý. V souladu s pravidly pro používání technologie Pixel a zásadami vyplývajícími z GDPR je nesmírně důležité, abyste své uživatele jasně informovali o tom, že všechny subjekty skupiny Wirtualna Polska Group působí v prostředí vašich služeb a podílejí se na zpracování uživatelských údajů. Žádáme vás, abyste při implementaci WP Pixel splnili tuto povinnost tím, že do svých zásad ochrany osobních údajů přidáte příslušné upozornění, například pomocí níže uvedeného textu:

Na našich webových stránkách umisťují třetí strany informace ve formě souborů cookie a jiných podobných technologií do vašeho koncového zařízení (např. počítače, chytrého telefonu) a mají k nim přístup. Jedná se o naše důvěryhodné partnery, s nimiž neustále spolupracujeme, abychom reklamu na našich a jejich stránkách, stejně jako služby, které my a naši důvěryhodní partneři poskytujeme, přizpůsobili vašim potřebám a zájmům. Takovým důvěryhodným partnerem jsou subjekty kapitálové skupiny Wirtualna Polska. Podrobné informace o zpracování vašich údajů společností Wirtualna Polska naleznete v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů společnosti Wirtualna Polska.